Landscape is journey

The following work is a selection of pictures from several hitchhiking trips done in 2012 from Georgia till Venice; cross crossing all Turkey, Greece, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.

In a european context where for 12 euro you are able to buy a ticket from Berlin to Oporto for a three hour flight, the concept of travelling transforms completely.

Not a trip but a journey

This works aims to question the way we move in the landscape (travel), how we perceiv it and what a simbiotic impact it has on us. The purpose of this selection is not showing the different sceneries, but the thing that they have in common: the trust that a traveler puts on its fate, its faith and believes. The translation of landscape as a journey, as it is constructed in time; traveling is a process that we absorb made by the people we meet, the feelings we perceive, the things we learn and the things we see.

Hitchhiking as a mean of transportation that is gained by asking people, usually strangers, for a ride is the catalyst of this work.

Landscape: perception and impact

| Notes
The pictures were taken with a NIKON EM, due the pragmatic and uncertainty of the settings of the project the film was acquired in different places, therefore the different qualities, brands and colors.

Year: 2012

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