Belen Zevallos, (Lima 1990) is a Peruvian-Portuguese architect based in Germany. She holds a Master in Architecture from the School of Architecture of the University of Minho (2013). She has also studied at the PUCP (Peru), and in Yildiz Technical University (Turkey).
Her interest in participative architecture, and temporary occupation as a form of urban development, has led her to conduct a research entitled “Köpi wasteland: The transformation of a Nowhere Into Nowhere” (Berlin, 2013).
She collaborated in Urban Catalyst Studio in Berlin, where she expanded her knowledge as an active contributor to several projects of collective participation and urban development.
Her interest in Landscape and its definitions, meanings and representations and attention in education, led her to create Space Transcribers. An international platform and an interdisciplinary network of architects, urbanists and artists, that questions the contemporary built environment in terms of its representation and collective imaginary.
She was part of the research project “Reallabor STADT-RAUM-BILDUNG” (Real laboratory CITY-SPACE-EDUCATION) funded by The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg. In 2019 was invited as a Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Urban Design and Housing at KIT. Currently she works as a Research Associate and Teaching Assistant at the School of Engineering and Architecture at the SRH University Heidelberg as well as an active member of Space Transcribers with a main emphasis on architecture, social design and performance.
Scientific production & academic lectures
- Gayh, U & Zevallos, B. (Eds.)(2020, September): Neckar Now Experience. Documentation of the Summer School Neckar Now: Transformative approaches for a sustainable future – engineering and architectural perspectives – E-Book, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Zevallos, B. (2020, August): Designing a democratic future: Making a case for Transdisciplinary Research Approaches -Lecture. 1st Digital Conference “Democratia-Aqua-Technica” from 24th until 25th of September 2020, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Zevallos, B. (2020, August): Methodological workshop for visualization and application to the project-Lecture. Summer School Neckar Now: Transformative approaches for a sustainable future – engineering and architectural perspectives, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Kirschbaum, M., Wacker, A., Zevallos, B. (2020, March): Das schulische Lernraumportfolio: vielfältige Räume für das Lernen von morgen. Schulen, Ernst & Sohn Special. A 61029. 18-22.
- Gayh U., Zevallos B. & Garcia C. (2019, November): Neckar Now Summer School Visible CORE – Insight and inside of CORE Principle, Poster, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Schneider, S. & Zevallos, B. (2019, November): Learning abroad: Wie, wo und wann? Ein Einblick in die Lernumgebungen chinesischer Studierende in China und Deutschland-Lecture. DVCS Jahrestagung „Wissensorte in China“, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Benighaus C., Zevallos B., Eller C., Hilligardt M., Alimardani M. & Benighaus L. (2019): Die „Exchange-Veranstaltungsreihe“ – ein Planungs- und Steuerungsinstrument für transdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte -Chapter in an Edited Book. In R. Defila & A. Di Giulio (Eds.)(2019), Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen. Eine Methodensammlung).-Chapter in an Edited Book. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-27135-0. Download PDF
- Zevallos, B. (2019, May): How, where and when: learning outside of the classroom‘-Lecture. LEARN[IN] Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Zevallos, B. (2018, November): Common Ground (pp.179-185) -Chapter in an Edited Book. Transcribe: Participatory Actions in Braga’s Social Housing Estates 1st edition, Braga, Portugal.
- Zevallos B. (2018, November): Real-world laboratories: Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG-Lecture. Alumni Meeting IGCS, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Bartels A., Kirschbaum M., Seydel O., & Zevallos, B. (2018, October):Feldforschung Lernräume: Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG-Poster presentation. Symposium – STADT-RAUM-BILDUNG, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Kirschbaum M. & Zevallos B. (2018, October): Schule als Lebensraum für alle…‚ … im Schulgebäude‘-Lecture. Symposium – STADT-RAUM-BILDUNG, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Silva C. & Zevallos B. (2018, August): The Transformation of a noWHERE into nowHERE: a Story about Köpi Wasteland-Lecture. European Association for Urban History (EAUH) EAUH Conference 2018, Rome, Italien.
- Zevallos B. (2017, Dezember): Köpi wasteland – the transformation of a noWHERE into nowHERE-Lecture. EJI – PATER I (2017), Iº Encontro de Jovens Investigadores em Estudos do Património & Território, Braga, Portugal.
- Alimardani M., Bartels A., Kirschbaum M., Seydel O., & Zevallos B. (2017, September) Feldforschung Lernräume: Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG-Poster presentation. Symposium: Planungsprozesse von Schulen, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Kirschbaum M. & Zevallos B. (2017, November): #LearningHappens – The challenge of innovation learning spaces-Lecture. CORE Conference 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Alimardani M., Bartels A., Kirschbaum M., & Zevallos B. (2017, November) Transdisciplinary research design on learning spaces and Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG (CITY – SPACE – EDUCATION) -Poster presentation. CORE Conference 2017 Heidelberg, Germany.
- Eller C., Erl T., Alimardani M. & Zevallos B. (2017, October) Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG –Lecture. Reallabor Lounge, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Alimardani M., Bartels A., Kirschbaum M., Seydel O., & Zevallos B. (2017, September) Feldforschung Lernräume: Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG-Poster presentation. OLD SCHOOL – Neues Lernen Vol.2, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Zevallos B. (2013, October): Köpi wasteland – the transformation of a noWHERE into nowHERE-Lecture. (Master Thesis), under the supervision of Cidalia Silva, University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal.